
Build Any Pages in Seconds with the best AI Website Builder Free

Kleap, ndërtuesi falas i faqes së internetit AI që shndërrojnë imagjinatën tuaj në faqe unike në sekonda. E thjeshtë. Performancë. Elegant. Portable.

Get an entire mobile website in the next 30 seconds

Jepni biznesit tuaj ekspozimin online që ai meriton

Vetitë e inteligjencës artificiale të Kleap do të sigurojnë që faqja e biznesit tuaj jo vetëm të jetë e bukur vizualisht, por edhe e optimizuar për performancë dhe përvojë të përdoruesit.

Përdorni IA-n për të gjeneruar një faqe të re në sekondë

Let the AI builder do 80% of the job for you.Lëreni ndërtuesin e AI të bëjë

Një faqe kryesore e shkëlqyer, një faqe kontakti, një postim blogu ose një politikë privatësie, merrni asistentin tuaj personal të ndërtimit të faqes së internetit AI sot.

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Made for Mobile

Build your website from anywhere. Update, optimize, and add new content in record time.

Great on desktop and tablet

On large screens, Kleap's great builder is even faster and simpler to use.

Images and videos

AI Website Builder simplifies the integration of content directly from free stock images, YouTube, or submit your own.

Clear and simple navigation

The navigation is designed to be crystal clear and easy to use, with an intuitive menu structure that guides users to exactly where they want to go. No more confusion or frustration – just a seamless experience every time.

Professional and attractive

An AI generated website can offer a visually appealing design that accurately represents your brand and gives users a positive impression of your business.

More than 12 content types

With over 12 unique content types, Kleap offers a vast array of creative blocks to help you bring your custom website to life. Get the flexibility and versatility you need to create truly compelling content.

Speed ultra fast optimized

Your entire website is optimized for viewing on mobile devices, with fast loading times and an intuitive user experience.

Contact forms

Forms are essential marketing tools for your website. Include a clear, easy-to-find contact form to allow potential customers to reach you effortlessly.

SEO and search optimized

Give your page a title and description, and framer handle optimizing for search engines

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Profile user

Gjenero faqe të reja në 1 klikim

Me fuqinë e inteligjencës artificiale, gjenerimi i faqeve të reja për faqen tuaj është një gjë e lehtë. Platforma jonë sugjeron propozime faqesh që mund të përmirësohen derisa të përputhen perfekt me vizionin tuaj. Ruani kohë dhe optimizoni procesin tuaj të krijimit të përmbajtjes me vetëm një klikim

Ai në shërbimin tuaj drejtpërdrejt në faqen tuaj të internetit

Klientët tanë adhurojnë sa e lehtë është të krijosh dhe të publikosh faqe shpejt në Kleap.

Merrni tituj të mahnitshëm dhe shmangni faqen bosh

Përmbajtja e cilësisë së lartë dhe e shkruar mirë që komunikon efektivisht propozitën tuaj unike të vlerës dhe shfaq produktet ose shërbimet tuaja.

« As someone who isn't very tech-savvy, I was worried about the process of building a website, but Kleap made it incredibly easy and efficient. »

Krijo, kërko, redakto, shfleto. Do të dashuroni eksperiencën që kemi krijuar për ju

Organizimi me tërheqje dhe lëshim

Çdo i cili mund të kontribuojë në bazën tuaj të njohurive. Ju nuk keni nevojë të jeni i kualifikuar në teknologji për të përditësuar një faqe.

Krijo lidhje me faqe të tjera me lehtësi

Çdo gjë është e lidhur në hapësirën tuaj të punës. Thjesht prekni një tekst për të krijuar një lidhje me një faqe tjetër ose një burim jashtë.

Analitika e thjeshtë

Ndjekni performancën e faqes suaj nëpërmjet mjetit tonë të analizave.

Ndërtuesit më të mirë të faqes AI

Ndërsa disa platforma shërbejnë për tregjet e veçanta ose kërkojnë njohuri të gjërë të kodimit, Kleap po revolucionizon krijimin e faqeve të internetit për të gjithë.

Përkundër strukturave komplekse ose mjetesh të varura nga inteligjenca artificiale, Kleap ofron një ndërfaqe të shpërndarjes dhe lëvizjes intuitive, qasje bazuar në blloqe që është aq e thjeshtë sa ndërtimi me Lego.

Pavarësisht nëse jeni fillimtar ose profesionist i rrjetit, Kleap ju fuqizon të krijoni faqe interneti sofistikoze, të përgjegjshme dhe profesionale me karakteristika të avancuara si integrimi i bazës së të dhënave dhe optimizimi i ndihmuar nga teknologjia AI - të gjitha këto pa shkruar asnjë rresht kod.

“It’s like magic.”

Klientët tanë duan sa e lehtë është të krijojnë dhe publikojnë faqe shpejt në Kleap.

“I couldn't believe how easy it was to create a website with Kleap's AI website generator. All I had to do was answer a few questions, and voila! I had a fully functional website up and running in no time. Plus, the drag and drop editor made it a breeze to add pages and customize my web page to my liking.”

Rachel Lee

Owner at Rachel Lee Content

“As someone who has struggled with building a website in the past, I was blown away by how intuitive and user-friendly the platform is. With the help of machine learning, Kleap was able to generate a website that perfectly captured my brand's aesthetic and messaging.”

Jake Patel

Online Business Owner - Founder of Patel's Pet Store​

“I can't thank Kleap's AI website generator enough for making my life so much easier. I've always dreaded building a website, but with Kleap's free plan, I was able to create a beautiful, functional website without spending a dime. If you're looking for an AI tool that will save you time and hassle, look no further than Kleap.”

Julia Kim

Co-founder of Kim's Kitchen

“Kleap's AI writer is nothing short of amazing. I would recommend Kleap to anyone looking to elevate their website and make a lasting impression on their audience.”

Luis Ramirez

Owner of Ramirez Plumbing

“I was skeptical about using an AI website generator, but Kleap exceeded all my expectations. Their platform is so easy to use and navigate. The ability to easily add a contact form and other features has made it a breeze for my customers to get in touch with me.”

Sophie Nguyen

Graphic Designer at Sophie Designs

“Kleap's AI website generator is a true lifesaver. I was able to create a beautiful, functional website that perfectly represents my brand. And with the ability to add an online store and other features, I'm excited to see my business thrive.”

David Chen

Co-founder of Chen's Tech Solutions

“As someone with a busy schedule, I didn't have the time or energy to spend hours building a website. But with Kleap, I was able to generate a website in just minutes. And with the ability to easily add pages and other features, I'm confident my website will continue to grow and evolve with my business.”

Lisa Jackson

Founder of Jackson's Boutique

“Their platform is so user-friendly and intuitive, and with the ability to easily add an online store, I'm able to sell our products and services with ease. ”

Juan Rodriguez

Marketing Manager at LBS Consulting

“I was blown away by Kleap's AI website builder. As someone who's not very tech-savvy, I was amazed at how easy it was to create a website using their drag-and-drop editor. The AI tool is incredibly intuitive and helped me generate a website that looked great and functioned well.”

Emily Thompson

Social Media Coordinator at Fox Marketing Co.

Pyetje të shpeshta

How do I activate the AI on Kleap?

Kleap’s AI is available to all users. You can activate the AI by using the space bar, selecting text and clicking “Ask the AI”, or by using slash-commands. You must take action to activate the AI.

The AI will not generate content or send requests to our AI providers unless you perform one of the above actions. You are in control of the situation.

Si e përdorin të dhënat e mia inteligjenca artificiale e Kleap-it?

Your data is always encrypted and private, in accordance with our data protection practices.

Kleap’s AI content generator will not use your data to train its models. Any information used to feed Kleap’s AI will be shared with our partners for the sole purpose of providing you with AI functionality. We do not allow any partners or third parties to use your data to train their models or for any other purpose.

What sets Kleap's AI apart from other AI tools?

While there are many AI-powered tools available, here’s what makes Kleap’s AI unique:

AI is most useful when integrated directly with your website. With Kleap, you don’t need to switch back and forth between your website and a separate AI tool. Plus, our AI can understand your website to write even more accurate content for your pages.

Unlike other tools, Kleap has a unique, intuitive (drag-and-drop) text editor that is particularly flexible. Any content generated by AI can be easily rearranged and transformed. In the future, Kleap’s AI will leverage even more Kleap features.

Kleap’s AI is already useful for pages and blog, but it can go far beyond that. We will continue to expand the capabilities of our AI, with a focus on optimizing your website to rank even better on search engine. This is just the beginning!

A është AI në dispozicion në versionin falas të Kleap?

No, the AI feature is only available in Kleap’s paid plans. In order to access the AI functionality, you’ll need to upgrade to the Creator or Business plan.

Sa fjalë përfshihen me veçorinë AI të Kleap?

The Creator plan includes 5,000 words for the entire team, while the Business plan includes 50,000 words.

If you need more words, you can easily order additional words with add-ons.

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